Swim Instructor, Game Leader, and Facility Host @ West Vancouver Aquatic Centre
November 2013 – August 2015
Instructing swim lesson
Leading "water balloon toss" birthday party activity
When working at the West Vancouver Aquatic Centre in British Columbia I held three positions: Swim Instructor, Facility Host, and Game Leader. As a Swim Instructor I promoted good technique, fitness, and safety in a fun learning environment. I am confident teaching people of all ages and abilities, and adapt my teaching style to fit my class. As a Facility Host, I assist with general maintenance around the pool and in the change rooms, and have taken it upon myself undertake large maintenance tasks such as organizing the locker key number system and removing rust from the diving boards. I have received training from my pool to handle a variety of maintenance tasks. As a Game Leader, I vigilantly ensure patrons’ safety on the water slide and when leading aquatic birthday parties while still creating a welcoming and entertaining atmosphere. I took the initiative to write a birthday party manual for new employees implementing various “tricks of the trade” from my first-hand experience. I am often selected to train new employees and lead large and specialized birthday parties. For my efforts, I was awarded the inaugural “Game Leader of the Year” award in 2013. Safety and fun are my top priorities.
I have a demonstrated ability to recognize hazards and prevent incidents, and am well-equipped to respond in an emergency should one occur. My love of aquatics is not limited to the pool environment. I am a fully-qualified SCUBA Diver holding my Advanced Open Water certification (PADI).
March 2014 – August 2014, July 2015 – August 2015 | West Vancouver Aquatic Centre
Instruct school-aged children through swimming lessons. Promote good technique, fitness, and safety in a fun learning environment.
November 2011 – August 2014 | West Vancouver Aquatic Centre
Slide attendant and birthday party leader. Commended for dedication, initiative, and leadership. Recipient of inaugural Game Leader of the Year Award (2013).
November 2013 – August 2014 | West Vancouver Aquatic Centre
Assist patrons and perform general maintenance. Commended for initiative taken and for going "above and beyond" in my duties.